  • Progetto CyberBullismo Todi – 6 / 15 Luglio

EINE Association

Today the European Union is an established, unified body.

In Europe we are experiencing major changes in the economy, occupation, culture, etc. The opening of new frontiers increases the horizons and the possibilities for young people to develop their professional and cultural knowledge in other countries. The acknowledgement of qualifications within the European Union, the free movement of people, the creation of a united market and the realisation of common politics in most economic and social sectors, provides the foundations for a European nation in which young people will evolve.


Typical Food in a Quality Typical Catering

Co-financed from the EU commission in the within of Program “ERASMUS+” and promoted from the Institute of Advanced Instruction Ciuffelli-Einaudi of Todi. Erasmus+ - action KA1VET is a sector program that is placed in the widest ERASMUS+ program, the European Union’s program for the Instruction, the education, the youth and the sport 2014-2020...

The Project